Geonik's Visualization

by George Nicolaidis


Neither an effect nor a generator, visualization does what it says, it creates graphical representations of it's input without affecting it. Currently it features a RMS volume indication, a spectrogram, an oscilloscope and a histogram.

What's new

Version 1.0 Initial release
Version 2.0 Plenty of new features, faster, less buggy, saves preferences

Upgrade information

If you have songs that include the older version of Visualization (1.0), you have to follow the following instructions in order to convert them, otherwise the songs won't load with this version

        1. Don't copy the new DLL yet. Instead load Buzz and the song that has Visualization
        2. Remove all Visualization machines and save the file. Proceed with all songs that have Vis in them
        3. Now you can safely install the new DLL and insert again Vis plugins at your hearts content.

I am sorry if this causes confusion... This should be the last time you will have to go through this, new versions will always be compatible with this one.



This plugin needs mfc42.dll and perhaps other DLLs that Buzz pre-1.0 required. A good CPU is recommended if you want to have lots of Vis windows open at the same time.


Just hit open from the plugin's menu in machine view. There is a context menu in the spectrogram window for more options. Gain scales the input so that the vies display useful information.


Enjoy !


If you like and use Geonik's plugins, you should register them by sending any amount of cash (in any currency) to the following address

George Nicolaidis
31, Agathoupoleos str.
54636 Thessaloniki

Also, I will be more than happy to accept any kind of old hardware you don't use anymore.

Contact Information

Author George Nicolaidis aka Geonik
Buzz Plugins